So the day before I start my vacation, actually about 45 minutes before my "stay cation" starts - I go to urgent care due to a two day stomach ache that was getting increasingly more painful - two x-rays, two pregnancy tests (guess you can never be too cautious) and two hours later (I am seeing a pattern here!) I am stopping at home and picking up my husband to head to the ER for a cat scan. The concern is that the pain I have been feeling is my appendix..........what???? forward three hours, another pregnancy test (seriously this is getting ridiculous now - do you really think I conceived between urgent care and ER?? "Yes Dr. - before heading to ER for my cat scan my husband and I had a quickie, so I guess there is a possibility that I could be pregnant.....")cat scan complete and another exam by the surgeon it is determined that yes there is inflammation around my appendix which warrants a laproscopy - whether it is the appendix or not they will take it out and he will take a look around to make sure everything else is OK.....well gee why not, I mean I really had nothing else planned for this week, why not surgery.....So at 10:00 on July 1 I am headed to the OR and none to happy about it, not to mention that I have yet to have any pain meds for the increasing pain which is the reason I went to the Dr in the first place!!!!!!
Midnight rolls around and I am finally in my accommodations for the evening, minus a useless organ and a larger than golf ball cyst found on my ovary while they were exploring my insides....they are not sure if it truly was my appendix causing all the pain or the combination of both so to err on the side of caution they took them both out!!!! I am wondering if I get the two for one deal...I mean really, if you are doing a procedure to remove one organ and discover something else while they are already in there should I really be charged for that......They should talk to Walmart, maybe they could come up with some roll back price for a situation like that, I can't be the first person it happened to.....
So I am sore, but I now have some AWESOME IV drugs - but I am also on the IV drip that they give everyone and I need to get up to go pee.....and after the first time I am up every 45 minutes using the facilities......ridiculous!!! Not to mention I have to keep calling the nurse to help me because one; I am in no shape to be getting out of bed without assistance and two; I have to (actually the nurse has too) unplug from the wall, remove myself from the blood pressure machine and remove the blood clot cuffs they have on each leg. Then after I am done they have to put all that stuff back on me (blood clot cuffs on each leg, blood pressure machine) and plug me back in. This happened at least 4 the point I was embarrassed and apologizing each time the nurse had to come in and help me, the final time I did not get back in bed but opted for the chair and I sat there till morning, never sleeping a lick.
Morning rolls around and my friend stops by, my Dad and his wife stop by and my sister comes to sit vigil with me till I am released which we all think will be late morning.....Jeremy comes by with the kids and we make plans for them for the day so Jeremy can go to work and I sit and wait for the surgeon to make his rounds so I can go home, and low and behold my surgeons office calls my cell to set up my follow up appt - they don't waste anytime - I am kinda caught off guard as I tell the receptionist wanting to set up the appt that I am still in the hospital and haven't even scene the Dr yet - to which she advises that he has gone on vacation and someone else will be doing his rounds for him and my appt is on July 20 and she will see me then.............well OK then.
So we sit......and we sit...and then we walk......and then we sit some more.......
Now I am getting antsy and grouchy, and the drugs are wearing off, so I call the nurse to get more meds and then low and behold my surgeon walks in......we have a quick recap of the previous nights festivities and he then advises as soon as I eat lunch he will discharge me. SO I order lunch....a wonderful array of full liquid entrees including cream of wheat, tapioca pudding and an orange sherbet milkshake....yum, yum!!!! OK so I eat now I want to leave, and I still don't have my pain meds....the time is now 12 on July 2nd.
So we sit.....and we sit....and then we walk...and then we see my surgeons physicians asst in the hall and he asks, "Why are you still here?", to which I respond, "Just waiting to be discharged.."
To which he responds, "I thought they already discharged you??" To which I am thinking in my head....." You're right, they did but I just can't get enough of this place!!!!"
So finally at about 3:30 I am on my way out....and I finally get my pain meds!!!!!!
Hear I sit, still not sleeping much...and I will never take a stay cation again!!!!!!
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