Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Ask and you shall receive!!!

It has been brought to my attention that my blog has been seriously neglected!!! I know, I know - several thoughts come to mind; Lack of dedication, not following through with something I started, or just too damn busy! Whatever my excuse it is inexcusable!!! SO.....the latest updates.

I have not followed through with my ode to the Shred - December 1 has come and gone and I have not tried it yet. Ashley tried to entice me by throwing out a challenge - but to no avail. You see she has not stuck with it either so whats the point.....maybe January 1 will be a good day. I have to do something because I have signed up for a 5k in May and I think I have agreed to do a half marathon with my sister. I am in deep trouble if I do not get my butt in gear. I lack some serious motivation when it comes to working out - there are not enough hours in the day!!! And by the time I get home and take care of kid, husband and life stuff I am just too damn tired - but I suppose if I did it I would have more energy so that is a lame excuse as well. There is no winning this battle!

The kids have had their appointments with the psychologist for their ADHD testing - As far as A is concerned I am not sure what the diagnosis will be, B on the other hand was described as "if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it is a duck." SO although he did not come out and say it - it sounds like Brenden will be diagnosed with ADD & ODD (Oppositional Defiant Disorder) - we meet with the doctor on 12/22/08 for the "What Now" Meeting so we are anxiously waiting. The point I was at last week I was ready for the drugs - I did not want to go into this next meeting and have him tell me that he wants us to try some behavior modification tactics and reconvene in 8 weeks to determine where to go from there - just give me the meds and be done with it. Now I am not so sure!!

And what is up with Christmas this year - usually at this stage of the game everyone is bought for and all the Santa gifts are wrapped hidden in my closet. This year I only have one child started and have no idea what to get for B. I am finding that 9 year olds are very difficult to buy for. I take that back - he has given me several ideas but all of them are very expensive and do not fit within the Christmas budget. It looks like at this point Christmas shopping will not be done till December 22 or 23 and this is very disconcerting for me - maybe that is why I am up at 3 in the morning.

This week is a busy one - I am on vacation next week and I am trying to clear my work load and any bombs on my desk so nothing disastrous will happen while I am away. Working in the insurance business is very busy and extremely stressful. But I thrive on that so it will all work out. I think I am all caught up. I ranted and raved a bit but thats how I roll.

I do want to close with one thing - I just want to say I have the best family ever. I am talking about my father, brother and sister!!! I would not know what to do if I did not have my weekly, most times daily conversations with them and appreciate all their candor, love, support and friendship. Thanks guys!!!!! (This is a test to see if you really all read this) LOL - just kidding!