I think there comes a time in everyone's life (maybe even more than once..) that you feel as if you are lost. Of course maybe it is just me but I doubt it. The other day I posted what was on my mind on my facebook page and it went something like this - "this is what my inner person looks like, hair standing straight on end from all sides of my head, eyes bulging, hands choking an imaginary persons neck screaming at the top of my lungs". And truly that is how I feel -my skin crawls, I lose focus easily and I do not feel like me anymore. I am B & A's mom, J's wife, HB employee and co-worker, my dreams lack luster, and my greatest motivation these days is to make it through the day so I can go back to bed. I need a vacation from life - by myself! I am questioning everything - my marriage, my parenting, my job, friendships, health, everything!!!!!
What is a girl to do?????????